“Abyss” is my new blog post and my first attempt to reflect on myself and my style of photography (especially shooting portraits) to understand why I do what I do.

Portraits in urban environments give us the opportunity to see our surroundings with different eyes and a new perspective. This article is about why I take portraits.

Our world is becoming more and more fast-moving from day to day and everyday things are becoming more and more meaningless because consumption, prestige and career are driving us more and more and our lives are taking an immeasurable pace.

If you open your eyes, the journey to work consists of so many special moments. Special incidence of light, emotions or interesting conversations become invisible due to our ever faster everyday life. We lose more and more focus on ourselves. To take time. To breathe deeply. Watch. Listen.

Instead, we are tied to our cell phones and broadcast our thoughts with headphones.

We run to the next appointment, sit in the train and scroll through instagram without knowing who is sitting next to us. A quick look through the train and out. Purely into the hustle and bustle of waiting people at the next train station. Headphones in. Look down. Don't look at anyone. Avoid any kind of communication. Continue! Go!

Since I've been taking photos and focusing on the street and its people, I've made it my mission to freeze moments that would otherwise remain hidden from us. Moments that we don't perceive in our everyday chaos. To discover places that remain hidden. To create a visual bridge out of the city and the people who live in it.

The most diverse things happen, especially in the city, which can give us peace and strength. But you have to look for these moments. A quest that consists of luck, patience, success and especially failure. Scenarios that vanish into thin air after a few seconds. All you have to do is press the trigger and they exist forever.

In this world, which is characterized by stress and hectic, we often forget to reflect on ourselves in the hurry. Taking the time to review scenarios. Time is precious!

With the camera I have the possibility to stop time and offer this possibility. A kind of emotional mirror that keeps us in our everyday environment. In places we see every day but don't perceive.

In my opinion, photographing people in these moments and places is a good way to create a world in which you can feel comfortable. Pictures in which you can forget everyday life and take the time to breathe deeply again.

Open your eyes, lift your head and look. Known or hidden places in a new light and gives them a new life…

…a new soul.

To be continued…

Max Dietzmann